Embed single player

If you want to add a single player on page post or widget, go ahead.

Go on page or post editor, Click on Crazyplayer > Single Player. You will see a popup

Add player ID, music title, single name, mp3 URL, thumbnail URL & colors. Then click OK. You will see a shortcode like below:

[crazyplayer_narrow id="mine" title="Chaite Paro" artist="Arthohin" url="http://download.music.com.bd/Music/A/Aurthohin/Aushomapto%201/02%20-%20Aurthohin%20-%20Chaite%20Paro%202%20(music.com.bd).mp3" thumb="http://crazyplayer.crazycafe.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/AURTHOHIN_background.jpg" theme="#40d243" bgcolor="#009a88" autoplay="false"]

This is the shortcode you will use for narrow player. You can use it page, post, widget or template files.