Homepage style and colors

Aron includes 4 styles of homepage. Those are

  1. Default homepage
  2. Boxed homepage
  3. Fullwidth homepage
  4. Masonry homepage

Activate boxed homepage style: If you want to change homepage to boxed homepage you just need to add a body class. Class name is homepage-2 Like: <body class="homepage-2">

Activate fullwidth homepage style: If you want to change homepage as fullwidth, you need to use homepage class homepage-3 & delete or make left sidebar section as HTML comment. Check screenshot:

Activate masonry homepage style: It is best to use boxed layout with masonry style. Then read this.

Theme color change:

It is very easy to change aron theme color. You need to select a good color first. FlatUIColors works great! Also you can use your logo color. Get color HEX code first. Then open style.css in editor. Change color value like this

.featured-post-item-title a:hover,
.box-post-item-title a:hover { color: #8e44ad }
.featured-post-cat a,
.main-menu li:hover::after,
.main-menu li.current_page_item::after,
.box-post-cat a:hover,
.tags-list a:hover,
.post-navigation .pagination li a:hover,
.post-navigation .pagination li.active a,
.featured-post-control:hover i.fa,
.homepage-3 .featured-post-control,
.homepage-3 .featured-post-control i.fa { background-color: #8e44ad }
.tags-list a:hover,
.post-navigation .pagination li a:hover,
.post-navigation .pagination li.active a { border-color: #8e44ad }

You need to replace #8c44ad with your own color codes. Make sure you changed color. Make sure you changed color, background-color & border color value.